
The Ultimate Value of great consultants

Since we are committed to provide our clients the best quality, we decided to be consulted by the pioneer consultants, engineers and experts in the new administrative capital city.

ACE Project management

ACE Project management – Moharram Bakhoum Engineering Consultant ACE is one of the oldest, largest and most experienced multidisciplinary engineering consultancy companies current operating worldwide. ACE offers services in multi disciplinary tasks in the fields of planning, designing, project management and construction supervision -the entire rang of constructions- related activities.


KAD – Commercial Property Management KAD is a commercial property management company that provides consultancy services to commercial properties. KAD oversees all development phases of your property ranging from productive studies of the land to achieving the highest return on investment by identifying merchandise choices appropriate for the mall based on the location, supply and demands.


ARCHRETE Designs – Archrete Consultant Archrete is one of Egypt’s leading architectural firms, established in 2015. Through the past years, Archrete succeeded in having a massive portfolio of bold, intelligent, aesthetic architecture in sectors as diverse as culture, residential, leisure, infrastructure, mixed-use, commercial and large-scale master planning.

Egypro FME

Egypro FME, a subsidiary of Wadi Degla Developments, is a facility management and engineering services Company since 2002. During the last 20 years, Egypro FME has successfully created a complete portfolio of day-to-day facility management services, which ensures covering all their clients’ management services through continuous technical and business development.


Ldp+Partners is an award winning Architectural and Engineering consultancy dedicated to provide exceptional architecture that demonstrates creativity, humanity, integrity and sustainability in MENA region. Our talented staff, experts and professionals in the different typologies and scales of Urban and Architectural projects with high awareness of the local and international market to deliver functional, timeless, client responsive and inspiring designs.
Ldp+Partners is ISO 9001:2015 certificated in recognition of our Quality Management System in Architectural, Engineering, and Project Management.

Ldp+Partners was founded in 2011 by four architects who were eager to raise and promote the quality of architecture and engineering services provided in the MENA region, the company drives its name from Libertà di Pensiero, which is Italian for 'freedom of thought' Ldp+Partners believes of contemporary architecture that underlies the independent power of collective thought.
